Netflix dropped the first 4 episodes of Love is Blind: Brazil on Wednesday, December 28 at 3:01 am ET. Just like the previous seasons, the contestants were not allowed to meet each other in person and talked to one another through audio connected pods. They saw each other for the first time after connecting on an emotional level, without knowing how they looked, and deciding to get engaged.
The season of Love is Blind: Brazil is being hosted by actress Camila Queiro and actor Klebber Toledo. Ten Brazil residents found love on the show and will now be seen together on their honeymoon in the Amazon Rain Forest. This season's couples are:
- Veronica and William
- Tiago and Vanessa
- Thamara and Alisson
- Maíra and Guilherme
- Flavia and Robert
About the 10 contestants competing in Love is Blind: Brazil season 2
Here are the ten contestants who are currently on their honeymoon after saying yes to each other before ever seeing each other's faces.
Alisson Hentges
Alisson Hentges is a 27-year-old production administrator who is originally from Rio Grande do Sul. He studied at the University Santa Cruz do Sul and his last relationship was in 2020. Hentges calls himself super competitive and a very private person.
He got engaged to Thamara on Love Is Blind: Brazil.
Flávia Queiroz
Minas Gerais resident Flávia Queiroz is a 27-year-old professional nurse and teacher. She had her first relationship at the age of 24, but clearly things didn't end well there and now she wants to choose a loyal partner with the help of "divine providence."
Flavia confessed on Love Is Blind: Brazil set that she is insecure of her appearance.
She is engaged to Robert.
Guilherme Martins
Originally from Espírito Santo, Martins is a 29-year-old air traffic controller who has been single for four years. Guilherme comes from a traditional evangelical family and graduated from the Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo in 2021. He currently works at Infraero Brasil and feels that he is in the "best moment to find a match."
Maíra Bullos
Maíra Bullos is a 31-year-old resident of Rio de Janeiro. She currently works in the social media sector and is a single mother. Bullos can’t get past the second date, despite loving commitment, because men think that she is looking a father of her child and not a partner. She bets her “sense of humor and talkativeness” while going on a date.
She is engaged to Guilherme.
Robert Richard
Personal trainer Robert Richard was raised by his mother and older sister in São Paulo. He has been single since 2020 and wants a partner who can understand his “busy routine and work.”
Richard graduated from the Universidade Nove de Julho in 2018 and currently works at Studio Mooca pilates e treinamento functional.
Thamara Térez
Thamara Térez is 30-year-old lawyer, originally from Rio de Janeiro. She wants a faithful partner from Love Is Blind: Brazil after being betrayed multiple times in her last relationship, which she discovered very close to her wedding date.
She is engaged to Alisson.
Tiago Augusto
Tiago, or Chapola as his friends call him, this 35-year-old sales representative has been single for a year. He now wants an ambitious woman “who plays 100% together.” He is a São Paulo native and is a trained physical therapist.
Tiago is engaged to Vanessa.
Vanessa Carvalho
Psychologist and businesswoman Vanessa Carvalho is 32, and comes from Minas Gerais. She is an alumni of PUC Minas university and loves to take care of her body.
Carvalho has fallen in love but never dates a man. She is willing to fight another woman for a guy.
As mentioned earlier, she is engaged to Tiago.
Verônica Brito
São Paulo resident Verônica Brito considers her mother her best friend. She is a 31-year-old model and a businesswoman who has had 3 relationships in the past. Brito loves to cuddle and her favorite TV program is The afternoon bar with Samba.
Verônica is engaged to William.
William Domiêncio
William Domiêncio is a 26-year-old São Paulo native and a professional accounting assistant. He has been single for two years and now wants to meet his perfect woman in Love Is Blind: Brazil season 2.
He is an alumni of the Universidade Nove de Julho and has worked in many organizations like Franco Contabilidade, CEJAM and Uranet Projetos e Sistemas.
The next four episodes of Love is Blind: Brazil will be released on Wednesday, January 4 at 03:01 am ET.
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