Controversial MMA fighter Dillon Danis has told UFC middleweight Darren Till to remove his arm after the latter's recent tattoo cover-up.

In the latest UFC Embedded episode, fans of 'The Gorilla' will have noticed a half-finished tattoo cover-up on his left arm. The tattoo used to feature the Liverpudlian's former girlfriend, but he has since decided to cover up the ink following the end of their relationship.

The 29-year-old opted to have a tattoo of a gorilla (his moniker) on the arm, although the artwork is still far from finished. It currently features a highly detailed bottom half of a gorilla's face.

Dillon Danis wrote on Twitter:

"Just cut the arm off at this point @darrentill2"

Despite the clear attempt at antagonizing from Danis, Darren Till appears fully focused on his UFC 282 bout against Dricus Du Plessis this weekend. 'The Gorilla', once tipped as a future champ, is looking to turn around a patch of torrid form in the octagon. Till is 1-4 in his last five appearances and has suffered a plethora of injuries and fight cancelations in between.

Fans of the British fighter will be hoping a win over Du Plessis can be a catalyst for success for the Liverpudlian. Till has been hard at work in Stockholm with Khamzat Chimaev over the last year, with fans excited to see the difference working with 'Borz' will have made.

Michael Bisping backs Darren Till for his comeback

UFC Hall of Famer Michael Bisping is no stranger to making bold claims and the same could be said for his prediction about his countryman Darren Till.

In a video on his YouTube channel, 'The Count' discussed Till's comeback and how he expects it to go. According to the former middleweight champ, 'The Gorilla' is now looking to prove his doubters wrong, which makes him a dangerous opponent:

"Darren's still a young man, he's learning, he's getting better. He's learning about the preparation and he's learning about the mental side of things. Being in a position where you're the belle of the ball, you're the guy that's getting promoted to all of a sudden, he was kind of on the prelims up until very recently, that fires you like you wouldn't believe. People turning their back on you, people not believing in you, people writing you off. That can be such a motivator if you use it in the correct way."

Bisping continued:

"When I got knocked out against Dan Henderson, UFC 100, everyone laughed at me. Before that, I was the guy in England, I was the man pushing the sport, I was the man doing 100 interviews a week with English journalists spreading the word and the gospel of the UFC. I got knocked out, none of those guys wanted to speak to me anymore."

Catch Bisping discussing Darren Till here:

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