Eddie Cahill is a prominent American actor renowned for his portrayal of goalie Jim Craig in the film “Miracle” with Kurt Russell. His television credits include the charming Tag, who captured hearts as Rachel’s boyfriend on “Friends,” and his portrayal of Sam Verdreaux in the hit CBS series “Under the Dome.”
Before embarking on a successful screen career, Eddie graced the stage in 2000 with a performance in “The Altruists,” an Off-Broadway production.
Eddie Cahill Early Life
Full Real Name | Eddie Cahill |
Profession | Movie Actor |
Date Of Birth | January 15th, 1978 |
Age | 46 |
Birthday | January 15th |
Year Of Birth | 1978 |
Country | United States |
In 2000, Eddie Cahill showcased his acting talents in the Off-Broadway play “The Altruists.”
Eddie Cahill Zodiac Sign
Sun Sign | Capricorn |
Born on January 15, 1978, Eddie Cahill’s zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Eddie Cahill Relationship Status
Spouse Name | Nikki Uberti |
Sons | Henry |
No Of Children | 1 |
Marital Status | married |
Eddie Cahill has been happily married to Nikki Uberti since 2009, and the couple has a son named Henry.
Eddie Cahill Career
Eddie Cahill is a renowned American actor, celebrated for his portrayal of hockey goaltender Jim Craig in the inspiring film “Miracle” with Kurt Russell, and for winning audiences over as Rachel’s charming boyfriend Tag on the hit TV series “Friends”. His versatility extends to the role of Sam Verdreaux in the CBS drama “Under the Dome”. Prior to his screen success, Cahill showcased his talents on stage in 2000 with a performance in the Off-Broadway production of “The Altruists”.
Additionally, he brought to life the character of Larry Gordon in the skateboarding movie “Lords of Dogtown” released in 2005. Off-screen, he enjoys a blissful family life with his wife Nikki Uberti, marrying her in 2009 and together they have been blessed with a son named Henry. Eddie’s range of collaborations includes working alongside Matthew Fox in the 2002 television series “Haunted”.
Frequently Asked Questions
Eddie Cahill is best known for playing hockey goalie Jim Craig in the film "Miracle" alongside Kurt Russell.
Yes, Eddie Cahill had a notable role as Rachel's boyfriend Tag in the TV series "Friends" and portrayed Sam Verdreaux on CBS's "Under the Dome."
Eddie Cahill is married to Nikki Uberti since 2009, and they have a son named Henry.