The Merge Mansion has been filled with new and exciting missions and items with the arrival of The Pearl of the Ball, the new Valentine’s Day 2023 event. While this has undoubtedly made the game even more engaging overall, it has brought several new challenges to the front, with many items that are slightly tricky to get.
The Seven Course Dinner is one of the many items the developers have brought on board through the release of the new Valentine’s Day 2023 offering. It is required to complete tasks as part of the Pearl of the Ball event. However, the relatively new item is challenging for the players to acquire.
Read through the following section for a detailed overview of how one can obtain the Seven Course Dinner as well as its source in the Merge Mansion.
A detailed guide to getting a Seven Course Dinner in Merge Mansion
You will receive the Seven Course Dinner as a drop from Romantic Spa Day, specifically, Restaurant D’Amore, i.e., Level 8 in the Merge Mansion. Each such restaurant can drop four Caviar Crostini (Level 1) of Seven Course Dinner with a recharge time of two hours and a storage capacity of only one.
You will have to merge it multiple times to reach the highest level of Surprise Chocolate Tart. The various merging stages of the Seven Course Dinner item in the Merge Mansion are:
- Level 1 – Caviar Crostini
- Level 2 – Zucchini Basil Soup
- Level 3 – Tomato and Mozzarella Bruschetta
- Level 4 – Lemon Parmesan Risotto
- Level 5 – Wild Mushroom Salad
- Level 6 – Steak and Mushrooms
- Level 7 – Surprise Chocolate Tart
You may find a few Cobwebbed Seven Course Dinner items (levels may vary) when starting the Valentine’s Day 2023 event. These can be dusted using Gems, the game’s premium currency that needs to be purchased using real cash.
What is Restaurant D’Amore in Merge Mansion and how to get one
Restaurant D’Amore is one of the levels of Romantic Spa Day item added as part of the Valentine's Day event. It is a source of Caviar Crostini (Level 1 of the Seven Course Dinner). Thus, knowing the procedure to get Restaurant D’Amore is important for players.
You can get Aromatic Oil (Level 1 of the Romantic Spa Day item) as a drop from the Luxury Spa Resort. One such resort can drop 30 Aromatic Oil and will subsequently get dissolved. You will then have to merge it several times to receive Restaurant D’Amore.
The merging stages of this item are as follows:
- Level 1 – Aromatic Oil
- Level 2 – Manicure
- Level 3 – Facial
- Level 4 – Hot Stone Massage
- Level 5 – Pedicure
- Level 6 – Sauna
- Level 7 – Hot Tub
- Level 8 – Restaurant D’Amore
You will essentially need 128 Aromatic Oil to create one Restaurant D’Amore. You can only get Caviar Crostini from the restaurant. Additionally, after getting all four items, the source will vanish.
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