Julia Rose is hitting the beach in 105 F heat, and showing off her tan in the process. Rose, who previously had an on-again-off-again relationship with Jake Paul, shared pictures of herself laying on the sand in classic "hot dog legs" pose. She's also seen walking up stairs to the sand, wearing a white bikini. "Perfectly cooked hot dogs/legs?" she jokingly wrote on her beach selfies. How does this influencer take care of herself? Here are 5 ways Rose stays healthy and fit.

Rose starts the day with lemon and water, and swears by coconut oil for her beautiful complexion. "I have had trouble with my skin in the past so I live by drinking a big glass of warm lemon water right when I wake up and drinking as much water as possible throughout the day," she says. "Also rubbing coconut oil on my face before going to sleep."

Rose swears by staying hydrated and making an effort to work out every day even if it's only a mini-workout. "I played softball pretty much from the time I could walk all the way through college," she says. "DRINK LOTS OF WATER. I know people say it all the time, but it makes such a difference. Also, mix up workout routines and keep things interesting. Even getting up and hiking, or 15 minutes of cardio is better than nothing."

Rose loves horseback riding, which is a great way to bond with an animal, get exercise, and enjoy the fresh air. "How's that saying go again? You can take the girl out of Texas but…." she captioned an Instagram post of herself wearing a crop top, jeans, and trucker hat while on horseback.

Rose loves animals, especially dogs and baby goats. "Dogs are very present. If someone is struggling with something, they know how to sit there and be loving," says Dr. Ann Berger, a physician and researcher at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. "Their attention is focused on the person all the time… The foundations of mindfulness include attention, intention, compassion, and awareness. All of those things are things that animals bring to the table. People kind of have to learn it. Animals do this innately."

Rose has learned to embrace her imperfections. "I have learned that some days are going to be better than others," she says. "Some days you wake up feeling confident and beautiful and other days you don't feel like getting out of bed. But pushing through it and learning to love yourself through the process is important. I define beauty as being confident and loving every inch of yourself. I know it sounds cheesy and I know it's way harder than it sounds but learning to love yourself, even your scars… that's beautiful."
