TikTok is bugging out. An annoying glitch has left users scratching their heads, wondering why the platform kept showing them videos they've already seen. The TikTok 'For You Page' was directly affected by this glitch, as it refused to load newer content and only displayed old videos.

The issue, reported by users worldwide, has been plaguing people since early June. The inability to refresh content is most likely the result of a bug or glitch within the TikTok algorithm. The bug not only affects normal users but also content creators whose livelihoods depend on the app.

TikTok glitch is most likely an algorithm bug

The glitch occurs when users try to refresh their For You Page but is unable to do so. The app will keep reloading old videos, some of which users may have already seen, liked, commented, or shared. Newer content won't be visible to users on the For You Page. The issue has not affected every TikTok user but has been prevalent enough to cause a stir on Twitter for over a month.

Facing a bug within a social media app is not a relatively new phenomenon. Many other older social media platforms, like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, have dealt with their fair share of bugs, glitches, and crashes.

Although TikTok has not directly addressed the issue, the nature of the inconvenience and its prevalence among a large number of users all suggest that the bug is an algorithm problem and not an issue from the user's side. Therefore, there are no exact solutions for users to get back their For You recommendations.

However, users can employ a few vague, age-old tricks that might help. These include updating the app to the latest version, clearing the TikTok cache, reopening the app, logging out and logging back in, re-installing the app, and restarting the device.

According to the TikTok website, the For You Page reflects preferences unique to each user.

"The system recommends content by ranking videos based on a combination of factors – starting from interests you express as a new user and adjusting for things you indicate you're not interested in, too – to form your personalized For You feed," the website states.

The For You Page recommendations are based on three main factors, User Interactions, Device Information, and Device and Account Settings. These factors are processed in their recommendation system and "weighted based on their value to a user."

"A strong indicator of interest, such as whether a user finishes watching a longer video from beginning to end, would receive greater weight than a weak indicator, such as whether the video's viewer and creator are both in the same country," the website states. "Videos are then ranked to determine the likelihood of a user's interest in a piece of content, and delivered to each unique For You feed," it adds.

The glitching of the For You Page is not only an annoyance to normal users but may also result in content creators not getting their latest content out to a wide audience, affecting their reach and numbers. This could be a massive blow to people whose livelihood depends on the platform.

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